Myers-Briggs and Harry Potter

Have you ever taken a Myers-Briggs Profile test? They’re good, because they give you some personality factors you can use to understand yourself better (and others too!) Here’s a clever infographic that looks at the various Harry Potter characters and what their Myers-Briggs Type Indicator might be. Most of these are pretty accurate, but I

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differentiating yourself

Want to improve your marketing results? Simply start using the word “unlike” in your marketing! “Unlike” is one of the most powerful, yet least used Marketing Magic Words™ available! Here’s how you use it: “Unlike ________ we ___________.” As in Unlike [other competitors] we [do x to help you achieve your objectives.] Before I give

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Recently we held another Just Go Do This Stuff Weekend. In it, we invited people to choose a project that would create a significant change in their business. It was incredibly successful, with the majority of attendees reporting that the projects they completed during the weekend would be worth $50,000 or more in the future!

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