Are you currently making money from Google AdWords? What if I told you that, if you do it right, it could literally become your own personal ATM? I’m going to be really blunt here: “There’s an 80-90% probability that Google AdWords could be the single most profitable source of income for your business.” Did you
There’s a huge mistake that 99% of all online marketers make, and I bet you’re one of them. It’s a mistake that costs you traffic, positive impressions from your target audience, and most importantly, sales and profits. Watch this video to find out what that mistake is, how to fix it, and how to start
Download this simple, yet powerful 2-page Strategic Plan Template to help you create your own strategic plan. And best of all – it’s free!Several years ago, one of my best friends, Jeff Walker, taught me a very important principle. To spend at least a week every year, with no employees around, just to think strategically about
How to become a highly paid expert in any niche! I’m convinced that if you want to get paid what you’re REALLY worth, plus a whole lot more, the fastest and easiest way is by positioning and marketing yourself as an expert. This webinar, starring expert guru Brendon Burchard, explains the process and teaches key
There are some insanely popular blogs out there. You probably have heard of the biggies, like: The Huffington Post, Mashable!, TechCrunch and Gizmodo. But today let’s talk about a more achievable, lower case P “popular blogs,” and how to make your blog one of those. Every blog has a shot at gaining a big readership.
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