Don Crowther
Don Crowther

Proven Strategies and Techniques To Build YOUR Business

Proven Strategies and Techniques To Build YOUR Business

LinkedIn Leverage

Don’t Forget our Friend LinkedIn!

If Twitter and Facebook are the big fish in the social media pond (hey, don’t forget YouTube!)…then where does that leave LinkedIn?

Some may shun LinkedIn as too impenetrable. Or as too dry or too stuffy. But think about it. When you consider how crowded Twitter and Facebook can be, doesn’t a social media outlet that others are intimidated to be…sound like a place you can rule?

Personally, I think that LinkedIn is where some of the best business connections can be made online.

Here are a few incisive, quick-start ways for you to make LinkedIn your best new social medium.

  1. Be The Source: Acting as the subtle, generous, ever-present expert is one way to spread your name and your brand. Contribute to discussions where you can. Offer advice and free answers to posted questions. LinkedIn is like a big fat cocktail party. The more you’re out there generously spreading your free advice, the more you will be considered “the source.”
  2. Talk Up Your Friends: Endorse, endorse, endorse. Jump on every chance you can to recommend your LinkedIn friends. What takes you 3-5 minutes to write could result in a glowing return endorsement of you. And when your LinkedIn profile is loaded with glowing endorsements…guess what? Anyone one checking you out on LinkedIn is going to be suitably impressed.
  3. Spread The News: This is where I wave the “extra, extra” flag. Be the purveyor of the latest, greatest news. Have folks look to you as the person who would keep them on the cutting edge. Your reputation will grow and possibly expand your network.  You can also spread your own news.  Post your latest PowerPoint presentation. Talk about events you’re attending. Share photos of any banner days you or your company has recently enjoyed.
  4. Poll Folks: There’s nothing more compelling than being asked one’s opinion. People love to be polled. So do it! Set up a poll that tempts them to chime in and more importantly – ZERO in on what you’re asking about. In doing so, they’ll zero in on you and what you are all about. It’s a great way to attract attention and new fans.
  5. Repurpose, Reuse and Recycle! Share your blog posts, Facebook posts, Tweets, Pins and YouTubes with your LinkedIn friends and make it easy on yourself.
  6. Bonus: Don’t forget to answer LinkedIn questions: This can be a great source of showing your expertise. And Google does love an expert!

So go get LinkedIn and let us know how it goes by commenting below!

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