Don Crowther
Don Crowther

Proven Strategies and Techniques To Build YOUR Business

Proven Strategies and Techniques To Build YOUR Business

Pinterest Articles by Don Crowther

Pinterest is the place to be for marketing your brand right now. Because Pinterest has recently make changes to include pages just for business, I thought it would be good to review some of the posts I have about Pinterest to help you learn to use it successfully.

Now Pinterest Is for Business

There are new terms and conditions specifically for businesses on PinterestThe main point of Pinterest hasn’t changed, but they have added new tools just for businesses.

2013 Social Media Marketing Strategy Part 3: Pinterest

With all the new changes that have recently taken place with Pinterest–you definitely need to add it to your 2013 social media strategy. Especially since you can now have a Pinterest Business Page.   Here are some ideas to help you launch a successful 2013 campaign on Pinterest.

Tips for Pinterest Business Pages

The announcement of the new Pinterest business page has rocked the online marketing world. Pinterest is the fastest growing social media site. Pinterest is also driving more referral traffic than Twitter. You definitely want to take advantage of this traffic.

Pinterest: How To Get Email Alerts Whenever Someone Pins One Of Your Pictures

Have you ever wished you could get an alert every time someone pins one of your pictures on Pinterest? Now you can.

Pinterest: Removing Pinterest Pictures and Pinners You Don’t Like

One of the challenges with Pinterest is tailoring your board so that you only see the type of images you want to see, and don’t see those you don’t want to see. So, how do you get rid of pictures that people are posting that you don’t want to see?

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