Don Crowther
Don Crowther

Proven Strategies and Techniques To Build YOUR Business

Proven Strategies and Techniques To Build YOUR Business

Have you ever wished you could get an alert every time someone pins one of your pictures on Pinterest?

Now you can, with
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Here’s how it works – you simply set up an account with the email address you want alerts delivered to, plus a password.

You also give it a list of the URLs you want it to track.

Then, any time someone pins one of pictures from one of those sites, you’ll get an email containing a picture of the pinned picture, and hyperlinked information about who pinned it, the description they gave it and what board they pinned it to.

It’s a great way not only to keep track of how often you get pinned, but to see who’s pinning you too!

Learn more here: Pinterest Pin Alerts by

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