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Memorial day has always been a special and personal day for me. But this year, I had an experience which has brought its importance to an even higher level. Saturday I was part of a service project with the youth from our church at our local Veterans Cemetery. Our job was to put flags on

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It started out as an act of love. A friend of mine, a father on a small island in Finland who I was visiting with last week, wanted to give his daughter a gift she would cherish for her birthday. He decided to give her his old iPhone 3g. It seemed the perfect gift –

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Are you aware that Google tracks all of your searches and clicks on all of their properties (Google, Google+, YouTube, Maps, Picasa, etc.?) It’s really rather fascinating to look at your own behavior, and I strongly recommend that you check it out at https://www.google.com/history But to some, there’s a darker side to all of this,

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The Law of the Harvest, “what ye sow (plant), so shall ye reap (harvest)” is one of the truest models I’ve found to describe success in this world. It applies to almost everything, from get rich quick schemes, to relationships, to grades, to diets, and to investing. But most people look only at the surface

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