I was reading this article that made me think about the best way to use Facebook ads.
When you buy ads on Facebook, it is mainly to get your brand out there rather than getting people to “Like” or “Friend” you. Exposing as many people as possible to your products or services and you just might get business out of it as well. That would be a bonus. Just make sure the pictures on your ad accurately represent what your company is about. You don’t want to promote false advertising.
Remember that Facebook requires interaction. This is just as important online as it is in person. People want to feel that you care and listen to what they have to say. When they recognize an ad of a specific brand, they are more likely to spend time on that site and let you know what they think. Respond to their feedback and keep the communication line open.
You can read the rest of the article here: http://adage.com/article/digital/survey-marketers-s-top-goal-facebook-ads-awareness/235841/,
How are you using Facebook ads? Are they working?