Overcoming Hurt

There’s a lot to be learned from thinking about how a slight turns into hurt and sometimes even into hatred. AND how to prevent it all from happening.

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What’s Your Differentiation?

It’s amazing how few people can answer the vital question “why should I buy from you instead of your competitor?” Yet that is the single biggest question people

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Tools To Make Working At Home Easier – Hardware

I constantly meet people who are struggling with things that they’re trying to do online. And when I look at their hardware setup it’s clear that things would

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The Psychology Of Pricing

Everyone who has to set a price for their goods and services in an environment where there isn’t a bunch of direct competitors all lined up on a

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Why Stories Work

We all know that stories are powerful elements in the marketing and selling process. But have you ever asked yourself “exactly why do they work so well?” That’s

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Are You Doing The Right Things?

So many of us spend our time and energies focusing on doing things right when we’ve never asked the question “am I doing the right thing?” Here’s how

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How to Change the World

I’m convinced that in almost everything, there’s a better way. Our job is to figure out what that is in our lives and in our business. AND what’s

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The Single Greatest Skill A Marketer Can Have

There are many different skills that a marketer needs to be successful, especially if they’re marketing a small business and don’t have the support of a team and

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What’s Holding You Back?

I’ve learned a lot recently about reasons versus excuses and how they affect our ability to accomplish what we want to do and become what we’re meant to

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Managing Emotions During Covid-19

Covid-19 has affected us all, some way more than others. So how do you manage your emotions during this important time? Here are a few of the things

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