Help! I’m Running Out Of Things To Share On Social Media!

You can’t think of new things to say to your audience. You think they’ve heard it all before. It can certainly be difficult to find interesting things to share on social media.

Here are 6 tips to finding new things to share:

  1. Come up with a catchy or creative headline. That’s a great start. You want to grab people’s attention. Their first impression will determine if they will continue on your profile or page and want to share it.
  2. You just have to get a little creative. Some of you may think that you aren’t creative. I’ll tell you a little-known secret. Everyone can be creative! It just takes a little longer for some. All you need is a few quiet moments and some focus.
  3. Browse other business social media pages and get some ideas. You don’t have to steal theirs, but when you see others’ material, it may give you ideas of your own. (Hint: Use Google Reader)
  4. Tie your business in to current events or holidays. There’s always something going on in the world. How can  your business relate to the current news and events? (Hint: Use Google Trends)
  5. Tout Your Customers. You probably have a never-ending supply of customer stories you can share!
  6. Tips, Tricks and Traps. Share these with your audience and you’ll always have fresh material.

For other tips, click here: http://blog.shareaholic.com/2012/07/how-to-create-shareable-content-wordcamp/

You know more than you think you know. You just need a little inspiration.

How do you get that inspiration?

Start by taking minute and think about what you want out of social media and how you can achieve it. Take a look at your previous posts or comments and see if that is working for you. If it’s not, think of what it will take to change it. Make it happen, I know you can do it!

What are some creative things that you have shared that have gotten a good response?

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