Review: WordPress and Blogging Go Hand in Hand

It should come at no surprise that WordPress is the most common blogging tool. It’s user friendly and you don’t have to be techy to use it. There are so many tools and plugins available with WordPress. I thought it would be a good idea to review some WordPress/blogging tips.

Here are a few past posts that you may have missed with valuable insight to blogging and WordPress. Just click, read and go do this stuff!

WordPress Plugins: Choosing What To Install

One of the most frequently-asked questions I receive is “which WordPress plugins should I install.”  This video shows you a strategy of how to make that decision, plus it shows you some of my personal favorite plugins.

 Your Online Data Is At Risk!

Yes, I have multiple backups running of my home and business computers, backups that store data both locally and virtually (I dearly hope you do too – you know that the question is not if, but when you will have a catastrophic hard drive crash!)

The real question I’m asking here is what are you doing to back up the other “stuff” that isn’t being covered by your normal computer backups? Some data that immediately comes to mind:

Why NOT To Date Your Blog Posts

Just because it’s tradition, doesn’t mean it’s right! And in the case of dating your blog posts, there are lots more disadvantages to putting dates on your blog posts than there are advantages.

How to install supercharged Google Analytics on your Blog

Did you know that there is a whole set of additional analytics data you can get from your WordPress blog that you probably aren’t accessing now? Information about your traffic, where it comes from and what it does while its on your site? Information that’s key to building your business?

Infographic: 30 Most Popular WordPress Plugins

I would recommend using this infographic as a guideline for what plugins will help your blog be most successful. Before you add a new plugin…

Take a plugin audit of your WordPress Sites.  Make a list of the plugins you are using and compare them to this infographic. If a lot of people have downloaded one of the below plugins, then it would be a good idea for you to use them on your blog as well.


Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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