Thank you for your interest in ActiveCampaign. I'll send you an email as soon as I have the integration set up!
In the meantime, here are some great posts that can help you build your business!
Testimonials: How to Get More Customer Testimonials
How to Ask for TestimonialsImagine how your life would be different if you hadDozens Or Even Hundreds of Amazing Testimonials[...]
Dean Jackson’s 9 Word Email: From Inbox to Action
If you are not using the 9 word email in your email strategy, you should be.So what is it? Dean[...]
14 Keys To Creating A Highly Profitable Online Business In 2023 and 2024
Want to build a highly profitable online business in 2023 and 2024?As I’ve worked with thousands of people who want[...]
How To Create A Free Google Forms Survey
Want to create a survey to gather information from your audience? Here are step-by-step instructions on how to create a[...]
Email List Building: The #1 Way To Get More People To Open Your Emails
There's a Cardinal Rule when it comes to list building that you should never ever break. Let me tell you[...]
Your Decision Making Process
One thing I’ve discovered is that people who accomplish amazing things in life tend to make decisions differently than normal[...]