Do social links increase your search engine rankings?
The data shows that they absolutely do!
Check out this infographic showing some of that data:

So, what works the best for Google (after all, do any of the other search engines really matter?)
- Clearly, getting more followers to a Google+ Page win
- Followed by Getting Google Pluses
- Next comes Facebook
- Ending with Twitter
This makes sense – after all, Google+ data is totally owned and controlled by Google, so why wouldn’t they use that as a primary indicator?
One key element is missing from this – I wish they would have included Pinterest in the analysis. My bet is that it would have ranked 4th, maybe even 3rd.
Key learnings:
- Make sure you’re emphasizing Google + on your pages
- Make sure you’re making it easy for people to share your content via social media!
What effects have you found from social rankings? Share your answer in the comments below, and don’t forget to +1, Like, Share, Pin and Tweet this post.
Infographic Courtesy of: Quick Sprout