Personal Disaster and Succession Planning

I’ve been thinking a great deal lately about what would happen to my family and business if I were to become incapacitated or even to die.

And it’s a sobering thought.

Those thoughts invite two kinds of action:

  1. Avoidance of the issue entirely, or
  2. Doing something about it, so that my family is not left in a lurch.

May I point out that second option is far preferable in the eyes of those who you love than the first?

Here’s a video that I’ve created that raises some questions you may want to consider. Questions that will help you assess how well you’re doing in this area.

No, I’m not trying to sell you anything, just to get you thinking.

Watch it, download and print out a copy of the slides, spend some time thinking about it, preparing, and talking about it with those you love.

Download the Personal Disaster Planning slides

Then, let me know where you end up. I’m very interested in hearing what you’re doing to prepare, what I’ve left out of this list, any tools you’re using and how you’re actually going about this process.

Please tell us about those by leaving a comment below. And don’t forget to like and tweet this post!

Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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