Backup Creator—A WordPress Security Plug-in You Should Be Using

As you know, I am a very big advocate of backing up your material. Not just content, but your WordPress site as well. I don’t even want to imagine the damage that can happen to a site that is not properly secured! You need to make the safety of your site a priority. Because I like to practice what I preach, I want tell you about a great WordPress security plug-in called Backup Creator.

Backup Creator

Backup Creator is a plug-in for WordPress sites that backs up your website and all its content in just a few clicks. You might be asking, “So Don, what makes this plug-in different than the other security plug-ins?” Well, I was hoping you’d ask that.  This particular plug-in does more than just keep your specific files from hackers.

Why You Should Be Using Backup Creator

  • As your website grows, there are a lot of comments that would not be able to be recovered if something happened.  Backup Creator will not only save specific files, but your comments and content as well.
  • Backup Creator runs automatically every week or every day while your website still functions.  You can also have it emailed, put up on FTP, or put on Amazon S3.
  • If you have multiple websites, they can all be backed up in one place with Backup Creator.  This includes theme, content, members, plug-ins, etc.
  • When creating a new website, you can restore your setting from older websites with just a few clicks.  There is no need in setting up a preferred theme twice.  Backup Creator allows you to have a common theme and only set it up once. You can also copy or restore your websites.
  • Once installed, you simply click “back-up” and you’re good to go.

Backup Creator is simple to use and a good plug-in for the multi-tasker. Take my word for it! Go check out the video on Backup Creator and take the important step of securing your site now.

Note: Don Crowther and Breakthrough Consulting, Inc. offer recommendations on products we know and use. We make no guarantees of earnings or business success if you decide to use them. We may receive compensation for recommending products but you don’t pay anything extra and sometimes we can even get you a better deal!
Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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