Social Media Strategy: Getting customer feedback before you stock an item

Just read a worthwhile article called 10 Social Media Risks MOST Companies Are Too Afraid to Take

In it they described a set of techniques that most companies will never do.

One strategy they discussed that is well worth considering is a voting strategy – where customers vote on a product before they actually decide to stock or produce it, giving them market research data in advance. Plus, the way they did it generates a set of excited customers before they even stock the item. Watch this video to learn more about the technique:

How will you use this in your business? Let us know by leaving a comment below. And don’t forget to like, share, tweet and pin this post!

Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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