5 Keys To Making Your Blog Popular!

There are some insanely popular blogs out there. You probably have heard of the biggies, like: The Huffington Post, Mashable!, TechCrunch and Gizmodo.

But today I want to talk about the blogs out there that may not be Popular like those listed above. But rather – let’s talk about a more achievable, lower case P “popular blogs.” And how to make your blog one of those.

Every blog has a shot at gaining a big readership.

Here are few great ways to make sure that your blog posts are influential, tweetable and hopefully – even a bit addictive.

Make sure that your blog is…

  1. Plugged In:Networking counts and it counts big in the Blogosphere. The first and best way to drive folks to your blog is to be an active participant on theirs. Comment frequently on a blog whose readers you’d like to attract. (But always add to the conversation in an genuine way. Spammy comments will only hurt your brand and actually repel readers.)
  2. Scintillating: Don’t trump up fake controversy, but you also shouldn’t be afraid of the real thing, either. Controversial topics and debates can make your site the go-to place for readers. Who doesn’t love a heated debate? It’s human nature to want to ‘watch’ one, so capitalize on it.
  3. Takeaway Heavy: I always make sure my blog posts don’t just ‘sit there’, passively, on the page. They should be alive …they should get into the readers brain and linger there, long after they have browsed away from your blog. When you write a post, think about it from the readers’ point of view. Are you just talking about stuff or are you giving your readers something they can act upon and improve their lives with?
  4. Detailed: Do your homework, back up your point of view with facts. Talking in generalities about your industry will still gain you readers but if you can include references to research and if you go a little deeper, it will up the chances they can return. It will also up the chances that you will be quoted and linked to, by other bloggers!
  5. Personal & Passionate: “Write what you know” is age-old writing advice. Your best, most compelling blog posts will happen when you write about topics that are near and dear to your heart. Don’t shy away from writing with passion, either. Seeing you care about a topic will make readers care about your posts!

What blogger has inspired loyalty in you? Who do you follow and recommend your friends to? Why? What specifically made them stand out in your mind? Please let me know by writing a comment below. And, don’t forget to Like, Tweet, Pin and Google+ this post!

Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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