Boredom Busters for Great Tweeting

The great poet Dylan Thomas knew how to captivate imaginations and move hearts. (He’s the author of the famed line “Do not go gentle into that good night.”) So he knows a little something about when to speak and when to shut up. Which brings me to his next great line:

“Somebody’s boring me. I think it’s me.”

Now there’s some self-awareness! The most interesting people tend to think of themselves as boring…and vice versa. Which one are you?

I should ask someone else to judge that: Your Twitter followers. How often do you captivate their imaginations? How often do you move their hearts? How often do you bore them to death?

Here are a few things you can do to ensure your tweets are fresh, informative and never ever boring.

  • Eliminate the “I’m at the dentist” and “my son is sooooo cute!” posts. Celebrities who have thousands of die-hard fans might be able to get away it – but you can’t. Don’t do it.
  • What would YOU want to read if you were a follower? Think of your audience first before you tweet. Give them thought provoking quotes or links to reading material they may love.
  • Use multimedia. There are so many tools out there that help you post photos and videos in your tweets. Reward your followers with something more than dry text from you.
  • Make it all about them! The most interesting tweet to your followers…is one about your followers. Go @ crazy and retweet what they’re posting, or comment, or ask direct questions of them. Making Twitter a dialogue will make your followers adore you.
  • SAYOR. Or: Spam At Your Own Risk. Twitter can be a great business building tool but there’s nothing more boring than someone who constantly hawks his product. It’s okay to thread promotions in with your regular tweets but keep it subtle and keep it to a minimum.

What do you do to keep from being boring on Twitter? Let me know by posting a comment below. And don’t forget to Like, Tweet, Pin and Google+ this post!

Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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