YouTube Marketing-Make it Work for You

YouTube is always changing. I like to keep up on the changes and new happenings on YouTube. I was reading an article, 6 Common YouTube Mistakes By Newbies, and it reminded me that not everyone is comfortable or knows the best way to make videos and market them on YouTube.

Here are few tips to making YouTube work for you!

Get Comfortable in Front of the Camera

  • Buy yourself a good camera–one that has good sound and picture. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive on the market. Take a look at the reviews on Amazon. Make sure you get one that hooks to a stand and won’t lean or fall over.
  • Practice makes perfect. Have someone you know stand behind the camera and just talk to them about the principle you want to teach. Keep it natural. You want your viewers to see that you are human. Make them feel like you are talking to them just the way you would in person.

Keep the Comments in Perspective

People may not always post the nicest comments about your videos on YouTube. But, don’t sweat it. If the comment is constructive and you can learn from it or use it, then pay attention to it. If it’s not, then don’t worry about it.

If a viewer does post a comment, respond to it. This is the first step in developing a potential client relationship.

Tag Your Videos Correctly

Do your research. Don’t be shy about tagging your videos. If you want people to find your videos, then you have to tag them correctly. However, make sure you don’t use so many tags that you are spamming YouTube. Use the tags that will bring in your targeted viewers.

Take the time to really learn about YouTube. Once you are a master, making videos will be simple.

Let us know how you’re using YouTube in your marketing by leaving a comment. And don’t forget to share this to your Twitter followers, Facebook friends and likes, Pinterest followers, etc.!



Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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