Latest News On Pinterest

2012 was a great year for Pinterest!

Here are a few facts you may find interesting:

  • Pinterest buyers spend more money, more often, and on more items than any of the other top 5 social media sites
  • Pinterest generates over four times as much revenue per click as Twitter, and 27% more revenue per click than Facebook
  • U.S. consumers who use Pinterest follow an average of 9.3 retail companies on the site.
  • 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from Pinterest
  • Pinterest generates more referral traffic for businesses than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn combined!
  • Pinterest recently created Business Pages (making it even easier for businesses to do business on Pinterest!)

These facts raise an obvious question:

Are you making money with Pinterest?

If not, you should be!

That’s why I’m holding a powerful free webinar, “How To Build Your Business With Pinterest” on Tuesday, January 8th, at 9:00 pm ET, where I will:

  1. Demonstrate 3 techniques you can use to start making money from Pinterest right now!
  2. Introduce Pinterest Business Accounts and how you can use them to put profits on your bottom line
  3. Show you specific case studies of people making serious money with Pinterest as we speak!
  4. Answer your questions

Start Building Your Business With Pinterest

Register today – Pinterest is huge, not going away, and making lots of money for lots of people!

What are your biggest questions about Pinterest? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

And don’t forget to Like, Share, Google+ and Pin this post!



Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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