Infographic: 30 Most Popular WordPress Plugins

WordPress is the most user friendly blog site you can find. You don’t have to be “techy” to be able to set it up and have a nice looking, successful blog. I came across this infographic that shows the most popular WordPress plugins. This infographic is good for WordPress beginners and WordPress pros. It shows how many times a plugin has been downloaded and what it is used for.

I would recommend using this infographic as a guideline for what plugins will help your blog be most successful. Before you add a new plugin…

Take a plugin audit of your WordPress Sites.  Make a list of the plugins you are using and compare them to this infographic. If a lot of people have downloaded one of the below plugins, then it would be a good idea for you to use them on your blog as well.

While you’re looking at your plugins, deactivate and delete any you’re not using and take time to update your plugins  as needed.

Do you use any of these plugins? Do you have any others you would recommend?

Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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