2013 Social Media Marketing Strategy Part 3: Pinterest

With all the new changes that have recently taken place with Pinterest–you definitely need to add it to your 2013 social media strategy. Especially since you can now have a Pinterest Business Page.

Here are some ideas to help you launch a successful 2013 campaign on Pinterest.

Create a Powerful Pinterest Profile

Use all your knowledge of keywords and create a concise keyword description of your company. This description is very important because it shows up in search results when someone searches for your page. And of course, since this is Pinterest you need a company image. Preferably one that is consistent with images on your other social media venues. Don’t forget to link Pinterest with your other social media accounts.

Creative Content

The minute someone arrives at your board, you want them to know what your business is about. It should take just a glance for them to know what you do. Use your content and creativity to achieve this. Being funny, creative and unique is a great way to get more traffic to your board. So, put a picture up of you when you started your business 20 years ago. Show your first home office (which may have been your living room). Post ebooks, info graphics and videos to really enhance your business presence.

Pin Your Videos

Did you know that there are “Pin It” bookmarks on YouTube? By using the bookmark, you can pin your videos to any of your boards. If you have a YouTube channel as well, this is a great way to leverage it.

Pinterest Can Support Your Blog

Pinterest can be a great companion to your blog. For every news worthy event in your business that you blog about, you should pin about it as well. Pin it with the title of the blog post, a picture and the link. An added step would be to include a call to action button to really have them take that first step in your business.

Add these tips to your social media strategy for 2013 and watch your traffic grow. What other ideas do you have for utilizing the Pinterest Business page? Remember to Pin us!

Stay tuned for 2013 Social Media Strategy Part 4: Google+

Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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