Top 21 Blogging Questions Answered!

Are you just getting started in blogging?

Or, do you have a blog and are disappointed in the results you’re getting from it?

If either of these is true, I strongly urge you to watch this video, where I answered 21 top questions about blogging that bloggers need to understand if they want to succeed.

In it, we answered the following questions:

  1. Is it too late to start blogging?
  2. How can I earn money from my blog?
  3. How big does my traffic need to be to earn money from blogging?
  4. How do I know how much traffic I’m getting to my blog?
  5. What is the best platform to use for blogging?
  6. Why should I bother with a domain name and my own WordPress blog when I can blog for free at wordpress.com or blogger?
  7. How often should I post?
  8. How long should my posts be?
  9. What tone should my blog posts take? Clever/funny, serious, lighthearted?
  10. What about names? Is it OK to use my own name/my kids’ names on my blog?
  11. Do I need to write about one specific subject, or can I write about whatever I want to?
  12. What about curating other people’s content on my blog?
  13. I keep hearing people say I should build a list. What? Why?
  14. How do I use social media to build my audience?
  15. Do I need a professional logo and blog design to get started?
  16. How do I get started using video on my blog?
  17. How many/how big should pictures be on my blog posts?
  18. Where can I get free pictures to put on my blog posts?
  19. How do I get people to comment on my posts?
  20. How to I get the search engines to find my posts?
  21. Do I really need to back up my blog? How do I do it?

Here’s the video, enjoy!

To delve deeper into how to become a successful blogger, check out my Blogging Success Bootcamp here.

What other key questions do you have about blogging? Let me know by adding a comment below. And don’t forget to like, share, tweet, +1 and pin this post!

Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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