The Free 2-Page Strategic Plan Template

Download this free, simple, yet powerful 2-page Strategic Plan Template to help you create your own strategic plan.

Several years ago, one of my best friends, Jeff Walker, taught me a very important principle.

To take at least one week every year, with no employees around, just to think strategically about my business.

My objective for that week is to create a Strategic Plan for my business.

But unlike the Strategic Plans that I create in my work for Fortune 100 companies, the plan I create is much more useful, because its a simple, yet powerful, two-page document that tells me exactly what to do, when, to achieve my goals for the year.

Id like to give you a copy of that Strategic Plan Template for free.

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This one document has done more to build my business than anything else I do.

Youll receive a zip file containing the blank template in both Microsoft Word and PDF format, and a sample completed form.

Heres a video that walks you, step-by-step, through the process of filling it out:

The key here is that its not the form that makes the difference, its the thought behind it. So, I recommend you plan on spending at least 2-3 hours in a quiet room, with no distractions, to think about the elements asked for in this form.

You are welcome to use this form for multiple businesses that you own. Simply fill out a version for each business, then do one in the end that summarizes everything.

Plus, this process works for lots of other things besides business. Its valuable for thinking through where you are now, where you want to be, and what youve got to do to fill that gap.

To get your free copy, simply complete the form below:

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The zip file will arrive in your inbox in about 15 minutes. If its not there by then, please check your spam folder.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of testimonials we have received from the more than 63,000 people who have downloaded this strategic plan template:

Once again, Don Crowther over delivers. If you run a small business or plan to start one, you need this tool. I really believe following Don’s guidelines on this could be the difference between profit and loss. And, it’s FREE. Thanks Don!

Phil Ammendolia, VP of Sales and Marketing • Allwin Powersports Corp. - LS2 Helmets

I suggest everyone in business go thought this and I will be recommending it to my clients, which in turn will help me plan their online marketing.

Thanks again.

Ian Richardson, AskIanRichardson

Hi Don, Thanks for the great video and template! You gave me a place to start with my strategic plan. It’s easier to do now with the examples that you have shown.

Thanks again!

Joann Snell, Jos Graphic Designs

May the Good Lord bless and be with you now and always.

It is simple, straight forward and came at the right time.

Kind of glued everything else together for me…

Now I just got it

Thanks a million times.

Yemi Williams, TheYemiReview