SocialMediaMarketingMachines Bonus

I need your help – I’m so committed to helping your build your business online that I’m even willing to recommend that you buy my competitor’s product, SocialMediaMarketingMachines (and besides that, it’s well worth the money you’ll pay for it!) (Don’t forget to watch the 2nd video in the series here.)

I’m trying to come up with the perfect bonus, to get you to buy through my link instead of one of those other guys’. But rather than guess, I’d like to know what bonus you would like to receive.

Let me know your thoughts and I’ll see what we can do! Anything short of giving you my SocialProfitFormula for free (sorry, won’t happen,) will be considered.

Let me know by writing a comment below. And don’t forget to Like and Tweet this.

Don Crowther: Don Crowther is a leading marketing, business strategy and online marketing expert. He helps entrepreneurs build highly-profitable 7-9 figure businesses using proven strategic and marketing techniques.
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