Rapid Listbuilding 2.0 Midday Session Thanks

Thank you for registering for 

Rapid Listbuilding 2.0:
How To Build A HUGE, Profitable List... FAST!

I really appreciate your interest and commitment to building your business, and I'm working hard to finalize my presentation to make the time you spend with me the most valuable 90 minutes of your week!

Now, there are two steps you should take to ensure you get the greatest value from this presentation:

      Step #1: Add It To Your Calendar     

Right now, while this is on your mind, please click this button to put this event onto your calendar:

Or, open your calendar and add this webinar.

Remember to block off your availability for the full 90 minutes, you'll want to hear every second of this powerful information!

Thursday, February 12th

1:00 pm Eastern Time (New York)
12 Noon Central Time (Chicago)
10:00 am Pacific (Los Angeles)
6:00 pm GMT (London)

           Step #2: Prepare For The Event        

One of the things we will be doing in this webinar is analyzing your current lead-generation system. Please take some time and gather together into one place (maybe in a directory on your computer?) all of the following:

  • Copies of all of your optin incentives
  • Screenshots of your optin offers and forms 
  • Screenshots of any popovers or slideins you use to gather optins
  • Screenshots of your thank-you pages
  • Screenshots of all paid ads and promoted posts that specifically target list-building
  • Any offline tools you use to gather leads

Remember, This Session Starts In:

This Session Has Already Begun

Please check your email for webinar login information.

Then be sure you attend to get this powerful information,  access to the webinar replay, the mindmap and worksheet. 

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