How To Create Significant Improvements To Your Business In Just One Weekend!

Don Crowther  Thursday 8:30 am

“How To Create Significant Improvements Your Business In Just One Weekend!”

As part of the next Just Go Do This Stuff Weekend!

Are you overwhelmed with your mile-long “ToDo’s List like so many other entrepreneurs and business owners?

I’ve got the answer!

Just Go Do This Stuff Weekends give entrepreneurs and business people the opportunity to take significant action to build their business in the midst of a highly committed, positive and encouraging support group.

All you do is make a commitment specifically designed to move your business forward significantly and to fulfill it by the end of the weekend.

And it works!

Of those who completed their goal in our last Just Go Do This Stuff Weekend, 70% stated that the work they did during those few short days would be worth $10,000 or more!

And 50% said that they believe that work will put more than $50,000 on their bottom line!

Not bad for a few hours of work!

Sign up for the waiting list now!

Here are just a few of the many testimonials we received from participants in the last Just Go Do This Stuff Weekend:

  • Don, this short, affordable weekend has been a fabulous idea! I think the fact that we had the factors of accountability with a deadline was the most important thing that worked for me. I’ve also learned from everyone else too. Jean Haas, Illinois
  • Everything Don does is so helpful and useful, and highly valuable! Not only is he a brilliant marketer, but he is also the most positive, upbeat, and motivating persona and really cares about the people he works with. I wish I could just package him up and have him be my personal mentor and business coach! But his course and his trainings and activities are the next best thing! Laura DeMeo, New Jersey
  • Well, where to begin? What a fabulous idea and a wonderful project to be involved in. It was a short burst of activity which meant that everybody could set themselves achievable tasks -of course, under the watchful guidance of Don Crowther. There was a wonderful atmosphere (if you can have such a thing with people working at such distances across the planet) and the encouragement was really positive and motivating. I really enjoyed reading about other’s tasks and getting a feel for where people are in their business. Even if others were much further along than me (and I think everyone was) just reading about how these stumbling blocks could be overcome made me realize a) how hard people are prepared to work and b) that I too could achieve similar ends. Very inspirational! Janice Sharp
  • It Worked. I was very productive. Andrew Pickett, Australia
  • Don has given me the drive and determination to get STUFF done. After meeting Don at Experts Academy it was clear to me that I needed an experienced, passionate mentor to help me navigate the Online Experts space. I am so grateful to be a part of Don’s online community and look forward to seeing everyone succeed at doing what they love. Sue B. Zimmerman, Massachusetts
  • This weekend was nothing short of amazing. I learned so much from the rest of the group, and it got me off my inertia point to get started. It feels good to be part of a group working toward the same goal. Joan Tennant, New York
  • Thanks Don for the support and setting up the Just Go Do This Stuff weekend. It was an excellent motivator to get things accomplished. The short webinars were great to keep on track and use as deadlines to get steps accomplished.  Paul Anders, Mississippi
  • It was very hard to do this because we have a farm, and my husband had plans to do some things that require my help… we got it done, and I quickly did my other tasks. Thank you Don for the push, and the great quotes to keep us going… Now that I’ve started, it feels so great, and I can keep going.  Thank you Don!!!  Diane Davis, California
  • Had I not registered with this, I probably would have told myself I’d get these things done the next week – then not done them. Though I didn’t get them 100% completed, I did seriously move the ball forward on some things I was avoiding! Jacob Gudger
  • I successfully implemented my opt-in field, and the information was seen and lauded by my biggest supporter, who told me how professional everything looked.  Any Maier, California
  • It was a great motivational challenge to participate in and the progress reports and input from the group was awesome.  Michael Mehring, Wisconsin
  • I am honored to be a part of this group.  That Don would take time to challenge, encourage and mentor us is a testament to the caliber of this community. Thank you Don for sharing your expertise and pushing us towards our goal to be a part of the expert space. Darla Kirchner
  • I think Don “hit a nerve” by inviting people to join this group to “Get Stuff Done.” The people who showed up were incredibly helpful to each other and I know it made a difference to me to have that extra bit of accountability. Thanks! Catherine O’Donnell, Texas
  • These have been pending for months.  Thanks Don for the push to finally get them done. Kathleen Scheg
  • I loved the support of others in the group and I thought Don’s initiative was very creative. Rebecca Jenkins, South Carolina
  • Thanks so much for spearheading this, Don! It was a great idea and I really was impressed with how much you were engaged and interacted with each of us. And the amount you took on this weekend yourself was very inspiring! Jon Bondon
  • After first ignoring Don’s call-to-action, I woke up in the middle of the night with this great sense of urgency. I had all the material to create at least one eBook, but I’ve been procrastinating on actually ‘doing this stuff’! So in a moment of ‘insanity’, I decided to commit to completing and publishing both. Once I made the commitment and announced it, I felt accountable to those to whom I made this pledge. I felt totally committed. motivated and energized. And that combination produced the desired result. Don Crowther just laid out enough crumbs for me to follow. It was an amazing experience and a complete turn-around in my business. Thanks Don, for this incredible weekend! Allan Mulholland, British Columbia
  • Don never fails to deliver valuable content to his followers 🙂 Jim Edward Caudell

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